This is an important document to be read
and adhered to.
Certified trader shall mean a trader who has completed the attached application form and met the requirements for trading in that they have provided a copy of insurance with indemnity letter indemnifying the Erris Agricultural Show and Committee members, the Irish Shows Association and stand fee has been paid. Trading will only be carried out in designated areas assigned by the Show committee only.
No trading shall be permitted unless person or persons have applied via application and approved by the committee.
Each certified trader should confine his/her trading, goods and equipment to their allocated area only as set out by the Show committee.
Safety is imperative at all times. The trader is responsible for any equipment that may cross the pathway of the public, due care and attention is essential and the responsibility of the certified trader on the day.
Person or persons selling food products shall comply with the relevant food hygiene regulations of the Health Service Executive /Mayo Co. Co. where appropriate.
Certified traders shall not use loudspeakers or other public address systems or otherwise cause nuisance or disturbance to other traders or the general public unless directed otherwise in writing by the Show committee.
An appointed person from the committee will spot check all stall areas during the event. Unauthorised trading will be dealt with on the spot. Failure by the stand holder to comply with these reasonable regulations will be removed from the event and will not be permitted to apply again.
No Hawking permitted
The trader must remove all goods and any refuse from their allocated area within 1 hour of the time specified from ceasing of the event. Food Traders shall keep a refuge bin on their allocated area and ensure that all litter is disposed of appropriately. Compliance with LITTER ACT 1997 will apply.
Loss of Damage: Erris Agricultural Show, its agents and servants will not be responsible for any breakage, damage or loss arising from any source and Exhibitors should have Insurance cover to extend to cover any loss of damage which may occur. This is the responsibility of the Exhibitor.
Only articles suitable for our specified Day shall be displayed and sold. No Pellet Guns are permitted to be sold or given as prizes.
All documentation and appropriate fee must be sent with all completed applications on or before closing date. Which is Friday 15th July 2024
Cancellation of Show: Erris Agricultural Show will not be responsible to any exhibitor or its agents for any loss of profits, consequential loss, or any loss whatsoever arising for any reason of cancellation of the Show.