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Safety At The Show

"Be Safe - Not Sorry"
We all want to have a successful, enjoyable show but also a safe and accident-free occasion. To ensure this, the co-operation of everyone is vital—including exhibitors, spectators and organisers.
A few guidelines to note in relation to safety are as follows: ï‚·
  • Please observe signs-especially those relating to caution in livestock areas. ï‚·
  • Please do not exhibit animals that are unsuitable with regard to safety, e.g. hard to control. ï‚·
  • All animals must be led by a competent handler. ï‚·
  • Animals should Not be tied to trailers. ï‚·
  • Dogs should be on a lead and under the control of the handler. ï‚·
  • Caution and care should be exercised at all times. ï‚·
We ask you to co-operate with our safety officers and stewards, each will be wearing a high visibility vest or badge.
So have a safe and enjoyable day at the Erris Agricultural Show.
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